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Origin: The Booted Goat was earlier spread throughout the uplands of St. Gallen (Walensee, Flums, Weisstannental and Taminatal), in the canton Glarus and in the bordering regions. It belongs to the breed of moutain goats.
Appearance and Characteristics: The Booted Goat is a robust, vivacious, easily satisfied breed not specialized for milk production which is well suited for extensive keeping under extreme topographical and climatic conditions, most of all in moutainous regions. It is horned, of bright gray-brown to dark red-brown color with black or brown markings (black or brown boots). Typical are the long beard hairs over the back (called Mänteli, meaning little covering) and on the hind quarter, which are markedly darker or lighter than the rest of the coat of hair.
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